The Istha devata is responsible for charting our spiritual journey in this lifetime. Since the determination of Istha devata is all about the current lifetime transmigration of the Atma, we use the Chara Karakas.
For people who are new to the concept of Istha Devata, the following link will be helpful. Read this first.
A certain house get’s activated due to the Atmakaraka(AK). This house sets the stage for our spiritual growth. The sole duty of the AK is to put you on the path of spirituality. However, the quality of the roadmap would depend on the nature of the AK planet. A natural malefic like Saturn as AK would force harsh, sorrowful, and grief-like circumstances so that the Spiritual journey is initiated. A natural benefic like Venus would still do the same albeit slowly. Does it mean that AK will always trigger spirituality in the sense that transformation happens? May not be. Remember these are karmic corrections and sometimes it takes many lives progression to get onto the path of spirituality. In such cases, the suffering is tremendous due to one’s own weaknesses (Shadriptu).
The question is how are these karmic lessons going to be delivered? Let us look at an example.
In the above chart, Venus is the AK placed in the 8th (Asthama Dosha) house from Lagna. Venus is in an exchange with the 8th lord Mars who is placed in the 9th house of Baghya, fortune. The exchange between the 8th (malefic) and the 9th (Benefic) does not indicate positivity in the matters of Baghya. The matters of the 8th house will surely be triggered and will remain a source of distress in life. Note the papakartari on the AK!
AK placed in the 8th also indicates the native will be forced to live far away and be separated from his/her birthplace and from family. The Karaka of the 8th house is Shani who is debilitated in the 8th house!!! In addition, the matters of the 6th house (mental stress, enemies, disputes). AK to Lagna = 6, Karaka being Shani again. AK in the Navamsa is also (unfortunately) placed in the 8th house. This again triggers the evil influence of the 6th house. AK to Navamsa Lagna = 6. This is indeed a terrible situation as AK is in 8th (Ashtama) both in the Rasi as well as the Navamsa.
The 8th is a maraka for the 1st Marriage and this person underwent trauma in relationships and vivaha. This results in a feeling of bondage in matters of relationships.
Note that Surya is placed in the 7th from Navamsa Lagna - Marriage matters. This indicates that the native has a Rina (Debt) to be paid in the matters of marriage. Who will hell? The Ishta devata!!!
The 12th from AK (in navamsa) has Surya. The Istha Devata lord shiva or/and Rama.
Since the Istha devata indicated Lord Shiva/Sri Rama, an appropriate mantra will help the native gradually reduce the debt.
Ask Pandit Katti
A Twitter follower has a question regarding marriage.
The tithi lord Surya is placed in the Randra bhava, the 8th house along with the lord the celibacy (6th lord) Mercury. This does indicate a delay in marriage. Surya being the 5th lord placed thus indicates a prior relationship may have come to an abrupt end.
Sukra, the kalatra karaka is well placed in the 7th house generating a powerful Malavya maha Purusha yoga. This being the 9th from AL shows the rise in life will be triggered after marriage. This is confirmed as Venus is placed in the 4th (Digbala) from the UpaPada (UL).
Mars is placed in the 12th house of the Rasi chart and in the 2nd house from Navamsa Lagna. This chart has Manglik dosha. Care needs to be taken to match the horoscope as per the dictums taught in Agni Purana. Fasting every Sunday (tithi lord) is another excellent remedy from the sampradaya. Sri Krishna Mantras must be chanted starting on a Monday (UL lord). Sri Lakshmi Astottari namavali chanting every Friday at sunset time is highly recommended.
Ask Pandit Katti
A Twitter follower has a question regarding the mantra devata.
The lord of the 5th (Mantresha) is Mercury, debilitated in the 11th house. The debilitation is canceled due to the presence of an exalted Venus along with Jupiter (own house). The Moon is placed in the 5th house. This indicates the blessings of a feminine deity. The Mantra devata to be worshipped would be Gauri mata.
Flagship Jyotish Course - 2023-2024
The flagship one-year Katti Parashara course 2023-2024 enrolment is now open again. This is a course specially curated by me that included online and monthly Zoom Q&A sessions. The students will be given a paramapara mantra before the studies begin. Students will learn decoding, learning, and application shloka by shloka with assignments. For detailed information email
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Sir, Kindly suggest Ishta Devta for Mars which is placed in 12th House from AK in Navamsa